I Killed the Monster

Object theatre | up to 100 spectators | all audiences, 9 years and over | 30 minutes


Calm reigns in this small village in the Ardennes. Daniel is just a little agitated, but he has just been given new medication. Everything should be fine…

A table and a handful of objects is all it takes to reinvent B-movies through theatre. Reality unravels little by little and a series of murders ensues…

For the sheer delight of audiences, Gildwen Peronno performs a show in which the theatre of objects leads to comical effects of all kinds, from absurd situations to offbeat plays on images! The result is a sinister but most especially hilarious tale!

Creative team

By and with Gildwen Peronno

Staging assistance Marina Le Guennec

Production Association Zones d’utopie poétique

Administration Anne Postaire / Les Gesticulteurs

Tour Manager Nadine Lapuyade / Les Gomères

Communication Sandrine Hernandez


Centre Culturel Athéna, Auray

CCAS-Activités sociales de l’énergie

Press quotes

« With this inventive, playful and colourful miniature theatre of objects, actor Gildwen Peronno delights in creating an atmosphere which is both creepy and comical, somewhere between a horror film and a B-movie. »
—23rd September 2020, by Cristina Marino, LE MONDE

« Discovered at FIAMS 2019, I killed the monster is a tabletop object theatre show by the Roi Zizo company. With a great deal of freedom and humour, this show uses the codes of the B-movie to tell a story that would be sordid if it weren’t so enjoyably exaggerated. A short form that doesn’t leave your zygomatic muscles a moment’s respite. »
—15th September 2019, by Mathieu Dochtermann, TOUTE LA CULTURE

« Gildwen Peronno’s playing is lively and generous. The music used comes from mythical films (horror, thriller or strange) and accompanies our emotions with precision. The minimalist nature of object theatre suggests more than it presents, and the staging is a great success in this respect. I laughed, shuddered and regretted that this play only lasts 27 minutes. »
—30th September 2020, by Hélène Lambert, VIVANTMAG

«Inspired by «the porosity between the world of mental illness and the world of creation» that he found in the song, designer and actor Gildwen Peronno uses the codes of B horror films to create a comic-horrific play that is a joy to behold. Where Hitchcock meets Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr. or Siegel. »
—27th July 2019, by David Lefèbvre, L’ESPACE / MONTHEATRE

Gildwen Peronno

Co-director of RoiZIZO théâtre and actor-puppeteer

Gildwen Peronno is one of those gifted jacks-of-all-trades, driven by an insatiable curiosity and thrives in this art-and-craft world of object theatre.

Inspired by his studies in anthropology as well as the encounters which encouraged him to venture off the beaten track, Gildwen co-founded the RoiZIZO theatre company, through which he has experimented with many forms of performance, from solo and collective productions to large or small stages, acting, puppet and shadow theatre, etc.

Thanks to the influence of the numerous workshops and collaborations which have punctuated his career, he finally fell in love with the theatre of objects and its infinite possibilities. In particular, he created three solo productions, Guichet des Anonymes, I killed the Monster and L’Affaire Finger, in addition to co-producing and performing alongside Quebecker Maud Gareau in Celle qui marche loin.